About Ilargia…

My blog has been changing a lot in the last days…

As I can see that many of you do not speak Spanish, I have been thinking…Maybe you would like to understand a little bit who I am?… So,here is the translation of my profile….

I am a middle aged woman… Fate has brought me to some fascinating places in the past, but has left (at least) my( professional) future up in the air…
I now yearn to reinvent myself… Dare to depart the beaten path… And find the door that  allows me to follow my dreams…
Ilargia means “The Moon” in Basque… And, like the moon, I believe that all men and women not only pass through distinctive phases throughout their lifetime, but they also keep part of themselves hidden from view… And instead, sometimes, show what is merely a reflection of one’s true self…Hence the title of this blog………………………………….

92 comentarios en “About Ilargia…

  1. Thank you for writing something in English, which I am most comfortable with, as well as German, although Spanish – of which I only know a handful of words – is a beautiful language. In English, the word heart sounds so unexpressive, but corazón seems to say it so much better 🙂
    Anyhow, your blog looks beautiful! I especially enjoy seeing Sigh here 🙂
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. My Spanish has serious limitations too, so thanks for the English intro. I was prepared just to look at the photos and guess a little. Where in the Basque Country is home?

    • Vitoria, but now I live in a village near León…Do you know Vitoria? Very good food and wine (near Rioja), very well known Jazz Festival and Azkena Rock Festival…Old Cathedral always open for Restoration, old medieval Quarter in the shape of an almond…This year is the European Green Capital…

  3. good topic: «like the moon, I believe that all men and women not only pass through distinctive phases throughout their lifetime, but they also keep part of themselves hidden from view…»

  4. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award « Picture Perfect Memories for life

    • Peter!
      Thanks again!!! , I will try to answer to everything this week, if the «Elements» keep quiet and do not play with my computer and with my patience!!!…
      Hope you and Mr C. are feeling better by now!!!
      A hug from Spain!

  5. Thank you for dropping by my blog (or was it Sigh who did? :)). As a ‘junior middle-ager’, I am inspired by those who see growing older not as something to fight but as an opportunity for reinvention. I’m glad to meet you and as I’m following you back, we’ll be talking more online, right? 🙂

    • Thanks a lot Tita!!! Hope everything is going smoothly..,So, read you and keep in touch!
      Sigh says «Hello»…This morning she had a little domestic accident and hurt her paw…She must rest for a while and walk as less as possible ( ejem, ejem,,,)

  6. Es muy bueno encontrar a otra persona aqui en WordPress que habla Espanol. Yo soy bilingual en Espanol y Ingles, although Ingles es mi idioma primero, yo creci oyendo Espanol al mismo tiempo todo el tiempo, because of donde mi familia viene…Mucho de mi familia vive en Venezuela, hence el Espanol. Yo no soy fluente (es esa la palabra correcta? 😉 ) en el Espanol pero puedo hablar, leer, y escribir a un proficient nivel, y puedo conversar bien en Espanol…Yo siempre quiro conseguir alguien con quien puedo hablar en Espanol y asi practicar y mejorar mi knowledge de Espanol…Como puedes ver, yo he sprinkled mi comentario aqui con muchas palabras en Ingles porque yo no se o no puedo recordarme o pensar en las palabras equivalentes en Espanol…Quiero tanto hablar en Espanol con alguien…hehe 🙂 Disculpeme mis errores, y yo hope que podramos hablar y conversar en Espanol alguna vez, si usted quiere…Mucho gusto conocerle. 🙂

    Scriptor Obscura 🙂

    • Hola Scriptor…
      Muchas gracias por visitar mi sitio….I have been looking through your place and I find really interesting and different your work…Me quedaré un tiempo por ahí si no le importa….:)

  7. Thanks for liking my photos of paths. It brought me to your blog. I too am wondering what my path will be over the next few years. I am following you to see what you decide.

    • Dear Rosemarie…I am still lost…Hope it does not put pressure on you! 🙂 I have to say I have learned so much since I started this blog…I am learning about a part of myself that was always there, but I did not have time to listen to…Hope we can find our path all together!

    • Oh!!! Thanks a lot!!!!I am so happy…But I have to say I have a real problem with awards….It is SO difficult to choose only some of the blogs I enjoy everyday…I learn from everybody, I laugh, I feel sad, I feel envy of…So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, and to ask your forgiveness for not following the rules…
      BTW: The last thing you say about yourself…Should be the title of one of your post!!!!:)
      Have a nice day and a big hug from Spain!

  8. Hola, I have nominated you for the “Shine On Award”. I really enjoy following your blog, keep up the wonderful work! I know you don’t like following the rules, but I wanted to nominate you anyway because your blog is always inspiring 🙂 Rose

    • Hi Rose!!!
      Thanks again for your nomination…I find it very cute (but you are right…It is difficult to me to follow these rules…I am a disaster, I am afraid! )…
      I am glad you have nice moments with some of my posts…All of us need to relax from time to time, grab a drink and have a leisure time doing things we like…Like surfing through the blog World..:).
      A big hug from sunny Spain…Seems to be the Summer is really here!!! 🙂 🙂

      • You are very welcome..!! You are not a disaster just a rebel 🙂 And I agree all of us need a little time to enjoy life and the scenery is so beautiful..!! A big hug back from (finally) sunny Chicago 🙂

  9. Hola, un fuerte abrazo desde Puerto Rico. Me detuve aquí para darte mi agradecimiento por las visitas a mi humilde blog. Tu blog es sensacional, me encanta por la creatividad y autenticidad que se repira al entrar y la tranquilidad y alegría que se experimenta, una vez sales de tu rincón virtual. GRACIAS Y MIS SINCERAS FELICITACIONES!!!

    • Gracias a ti, Edwin!!! No sé qué decirte…Me han encantado tus palabras…Intento descubrir y mostrar las pequeñas cosas que nos rodean… Hasta en un camino recorrido mil veces es posible encontrar alegría y belleza..:)

  10. Just had to come and look at your blog when I saw that Gravatar of a Border Collie! looks so much like mine. I had Spanish lessons many years ago but I’ve never been able to pick it up well enough to have a conversation, maybe visiting your blog will inspire me to try a few words again 🙂

  11. En mi caso entiendo el español, y también el inglés, por lo que creo que seré capaz de seguirte con la suficiente fluidez. En cualquier caso las fotos tienen un lenguaje universal. ¡Interesante blog!
    Saludos, 🙂

    • This is Sigh…She is very sweet (sometimes! 🙂 ) and very very clever! In this pic we call it «Punki Sigh»…She was just in the middle of her monthly bath! 🙂 🙂
      I have another one: Neo…He is super sweet…

  12. Hola Ilargia. Unknown Egyptologist… Resbalé de Michael Lai hasta acá. Y me gusta tu blog. Who’s the cat on the beach? Pensando en tu introducción, y los cambios me acordé de Ixchel, la diosa de la luna, azteca/maya. Look it up. Nice blog. Je reviendrai. Feel free to visit Equinoxio. Tienes razón: manejar un blog bilingüe no es fácil. (Y me falta el francés!) Pero es divertido. Te espero en Equinoxio. Saludos.

  13. Esta es una muy buena presentación, trataré de responderte en español por «Google Translate»!
    Gracias por venir a verme en mi blog, yo también seguiré tus fotos, muy bonito. Te digo pronto.

  14. I’m glad you found my blog through Amy so that I could then find your lovely work! You may have noticed that my blog has a Spanish title but sad to say that I have not spoken Spanish for many years now. I shall have to try reading and understanding your work that is written in Spanish! Graçias amiga. Hasta pronto¡

  15. Hola Amaya,
    No encuentro la forma de contactar contigo. Es referente a tu pregunta de cómo he hecho la publicación de retratos del 15/04. Espero que no te moleste que contacte por aqui. (entrebn@gmail.com).


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