Sunday Post Challenge: Hope

This week Jake´s challenge  is about something quite difficult to show in a picture: it is about «Hope»…

Here are some pics I HOPE you will enjoy….


«My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope» (Ovid)



«The darkest day, if you live till tomorrow, will have past away! (William Cowper)



«We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope» (Martin LutherKing Jr)



«Hope is the dream of a walking man» (Aristotle)



«Hope is the denial of reality» (Margaret Weis)



More contributions? Go to Jake´s and enjoy!

27 comentarios en “Sunday Post Challenge: Hope

  1. Thank you Ilargia That poor poodle is certainly a victim of misguided hope and denial of reality. Poodles are so intelligent and look so good with just an even trim of their super fur. I certainly HOPE that they will eventually let him/her be «au naturel»….

    • It was the first time I saw such a big poodle looking so…so…Well…Thanks to God they do not have mirrors..Or, if they happen to pass in front of one, they do not recognize themselves..If not, I am sure they will get depressed!

  2. Pingback: Sunday Post: Hope…The First Step to Success « Positive Parental Participation

  3. I love both your photography and quotes my friend for this week theme,
    Thanks for sharing your very inspiring work 🙂

  4. Beautiful post!! It is hope that keeps us going, huh?
    And from a border collies point of view; there is always hope for a nice steak to come this way, so, be prepared for action… 😉

    • Some people say hope is ineffective and only brings despair at the end…But I always find a reason to have hope…
      My Borders know they can only eat dog´s food…:) 🙂 Well, from time to time, a trick as well!!

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