Multicoloured Walls Found Inside the Old City, in Vitoria-Gasteiz…

Last week I was in my hometown, Vitoria,  paying a visit to my family…And they shared their flu with me! (you know, we are a close family!! :))

But, before, I had two days to take some pics, and some of them  I think  are good for Ailsa´s challenge: «Multicoloured», and to the WPC: «Inside»

I introduce you to one interesting initiative that started in my city in 2007: to paint big murals in the Old Part of the City, as a tool for expression of citizens and artists, and as a way to rehabilitate this part of the city not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also social, favouring local participation…

Here are some of them…

«Al hilo del Tiempo».  (Plaza de las Burullerías).2007

Al hilo del tiempo

.Al Hilo del Tiempo. Detail of One Window

Paying homage to the Medieval role of this square: the market of Fabrics and Cloths (in fact, «Burullero» is an old Medieval Spanish word that means «cloth weaver»).


«El Triunfo de Vitoria» (C/Santa María). 2009

"El Triunfo de Vitoria"

Inspired by one work of the French Baroque painter Georges De La Tour: «The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs», but in a more Medieval atmosphere (here XIV century). It shows the Lady «Vitoria» playing cards with a man (that symbolizes the Power). This man is trying to cheat (see his hand behind), but the Lady´s maid (people from Vitoria) sees everything, and alerts her mistress  (click on the images…It looks great! )


«Cubiertos de Cielo y Estrellas» (C/ Pintorería).  2009

"Cubiertos de Cielo y Estrellas"

«Covered by the Sky and the Stars» is a modern version of one of Giotto´s works: «The Meeting at the Golden Gate»:  the kiss Anne gives to her husband Joachim, at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem…It is big, is full of life, and aims to inspire the desire of love in every person that sees it! (I do not know about the dog on the window, on the left! 🙂 )

"Cubiertos de Cielo y Estrellas"


«La Noche Más Corta» (surrounded by the Old Walls of the city).  2010

La Noche Más Corta

Represents the Night of San Juan and its magical pagan festival, with bonfires, music, dancing…


«Ezkuz Ezku» (C/Herrería) 2010

Ezkuz Ezku

Ezkuz Ezku

«Ezkuz Ezku» is  Euskera for  «Hand in Hand»…It is a big mural, with two painted facades with a mosaic base (John Pitman Weber was in charge of this mosaic). Here the hand («Ezkua») is the main subject, as the origin of music, art and work…

I only want to say thanks to Christine and Verónica Werckmeister,  Brenan Duarte, and all the artists and people that have helped to make my city a little different..

It you happen to be in Vitoria, it is possible to follow a guided tour, and if not, but somehow you are interested, you have more info here:

56 comentarios en “Multicoloured Walls Found Inside the Old City, in Vitoria-Gasteiz…

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: INSIDE | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  2. Pingback: Photo Project ’52 Bolivian Sundays’ [week 37, 'Inside']. | 3rdculturechildren

  3. Those are lovely murals. I can only imagine the burst of color and beauty that they gave your town. I especially like the Baroque themed paintings. They are so charming. 🙂

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