WPC: «Dialogue…»

This week WPC is quite challenging: «Dialogue»….

How can you express a voice, an exchange of words, of feelings, of fears, of dreams…through some images???

I will try…

Let me show you something….

"Short as any dream.."
"Swinging in the air..."
What do you think now??


«Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear»
Thomas Chandler Haliburton


Go to WPC page to see more interesting interpretations…And happy weekend!!!

31 comentarios en “WPC: «Dialogue…»

  1. Agreed. I always tried to hear both sides, but then sometimes… you find yourself in a bind…
    Bon week-end!

    • Yes…!!! My C. says «You must believe only half or the things you see…And almost nothing of the things you ear….» 🙂 🙂
      Seriously, reality is not always straight forward!!!

    • Thanks a lot Chris!!!! I found this challenge quite difficult at the beguinning…C says it is normal….It is a challenge after all!!!! 🙂 🙂
      Glad you like it!
      Have a great weekend!

  2. A perfect pair of photos to answer the challenge with creativity Ilargia. Love both shots but must admit I didn’t know it was a ladybug until I read the comments. Just perfect!!

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