Photo Story Challenge: Letter «T»

This week I am a bit late for Frizz´s challenge: letter T….But here it is…..

TRANSLATION (lost in….)

No, I am not going to do any review of the film, do not worry….But it is about languages …

When one speaks a language, one realizes it is like a door open to another World, another culture, another history, another people in fact….And, then, we enjoy meeting these people, trying to practice their language, proud to understand and to be understood…We become more and more interested, and we read books and watch news in that new language…And that is why the language is alive!!!

Sometimes, we leave it aside and , slowly it becomes more and more difficult for us to be able to communicate, to remember words and meanings….

So, imagine me…I have been studying one for 6 months and stopped for summer holidays,

I do not have anybody to speak it to….

I stopped drawing it,  and I got rusty…..

I came back to it 2 weeks ago….

And now, honestly, while trying to do my homework…..

I realize I am lost in Translation!!!!!

My Egyptian Hieroglyphics

18 comentarios en “Photo Story Challenge: Letter «T»

    • 🙂 Eso es verdad…El lenguaje te hace acercarte a una cultura, a un arte, a esos lugares y personas que, de pronto, dejan de ser lejanos y se convierten en una pequeña parte de tu vida..

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