WPC: «Let there be light…»

«And God said, Let there be light; He willet it, and at once there was light…»

(Genesis 1:3)

Rising to the sky...

«…And God saw the light, and it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness…»

(Genesis 1:4)

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Have a great weekend!!!

30 comentarios en “WPC: «Let there be light…»

  1. Oh wow – where were you when you took that, Ilargia? I don’t know why, but I the light is so focussed I keep feeling the trees are being lit up by spotlights, not the sun with its indiscriminate illumination. It’s a lovely shot. 🙂

    • It is the same forest, just under the tree, almost on the floor…IThe sun was just on the left side…And I did this time some post-editing to help with that and with the color…I think it came out quite nicely…:)

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