«Quest for Love»


«Quest for love»

I saw this boat in the Mediterranean waters…. And I liked the heart-shaped form in the front…. It opened my mind´s imagination…»Sailing through the Mediterranean waters, looking for his love…» Beautiful, isn´t it?

In answer to WPC: «Quest»

Good night to everybody!


«WPC: Edge «

I know I already posted something for this challenge this morning but, suddenly, I remembered something perfect …!!!!

It was last Christmas… We went to Arizona, to visit C.´s family… They had a beautiful surprise for us: a trip to  Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon (Upper and Lower), and surroundings, including….The famous Horseshoe!

I was really very excited about this place, as I had seen wonderful pics …. But when we arrived…. Well…. I was absolutely terrified!!!! One has to be really really close to the edge to be able to take a perfect photo of the Horse shoe…!!!

Here you can see C (in red) absolutely close to the edge, and the photo he was able to take… As you can imagine, I was at the back, far away, fighting with the fear of hights!!!!

In answer to WPC: «Edge»

Have a good weekend!


«The end of the World…»

This is Torrevieja, a little Spanish town open to the Mediterranean Sea…

The seashore is full of these white benches, planted like seeds along the seashore…

People really like them, specially at sunset, when the red from the sunset plunges into the Mediterranean waters…

One can have the feeling one is just by oneself, close to the end of the World, where nothing really matters, only life and nature…


In answer to this week WPC: «Edge»

Have a great weekend!



«A poppy´s summer dream…»

We are in September already!

But summer is not so far away…

Still we can feel the heat of the last sunbeams and remember the happy memories….

DSC_1862_37297b copia2defmaybe7defopf

Have a great day!



«WPC: Detail»

This week the WPC is about «Detail»....

I have been looking for something a little bit special…. Then, I found this quote:

«To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail» (Giorgio Armani)

And I wonder… Do you think this mosquito knows Giorgio Armani? I am not sure about that, but what is sure is that he is paying a lot of attention to his work (I presume it is a male, … Do not ask me why! 😉


I call him «The Pharaon» because he looks like one of them, doesn´t he?

Have a great week!!!!



Travel Theme: Friendship

Very funny to discover this morning that Ailsa´s theme for this week is «Friendship»

Just this week I took this pic of my two «bestias»….

I like it because they give the feeling they are chit chatting about their own things, enjoying the weather and the path… Like a couple of friends!!! 🙂 🙂


«Don´t walk behind me; I may not lead.

Don´t walk in front of me; I may not follow.

Just walk beside me and be my friend»

(Albert Camus)

(I think I have used this quote another time but I love it!! 🙂 )

BTW: Still the same problems with WordPress.. I tried to re-subscribe individually and it lasted for two days only, so I am a bit slow reading all your posts!!!

Have a great Sunday!



«Pink softness…»

I have seen the Sun today!!!! Incredible, after so many days with rain, rain and more rain!!!

May be Springtime is around?

I think this deserves a nice and soft photograph….

"Pink softness"

Pink bud and bokeh

Hope you like it!!!

Happy sunny day!!!

(at least somewhere!!! 🙂 🙂 )


«Shaken River»

This week  WPC proposes a nice challenge: turn the familiar into something abstract… I have chosen this pic: it is my river, a very sunny day….


I only had to put on an ND filter, take it with long exposure and shake the camera a little bit…et voilà!

Have a very good weekend!


BTW: I have some problems with the blog.. I do not receive e mail notifications.. Do you?




This is my first post after quite a long time…. And I am really happy the WPC has chosen this subject, «Landscape«, because  I was working yesterday on this photograph from our Christmas holidays…

I have been looking for answers to some questions… One of them related to my photographic style… I was very worried, because I was feeling I was losing the track and, at the same time, wasting my time…

I have spent a lot of time working, reading, looking at other´s works… And I think I am nearer to what I would like to do than before…

I must say I have missed all of you… I hope you are still there, and I hope you would like this….



Monument Valley, Utah


