They were so Young Yesterday!!

Today Frizz challenge is about «YYY»…

And I have thought about this pic I took thirteen years ago…It was in Arwad, a very small inhabitated island in Syria…

They were Young…May be happY…For sure innocent…

"Thirteen years ago..."

I wonder were they are now…

Even if they ARE at all…

Sixteen? Seventeen years old?…

I wonder what they have seen…

What they have done…

What they have lost…

The pic is a scan of a paper one…And I had written something on the back…

«But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

tread softly, because you tread on my dreams»

William Butler Yeats 

Magical Autumn…

This week, Sunday Still´s challenge is about Autumn: trees, colours, landscape…

I have been out with Sigh and Neo, looking for something special….But, somehow, I was unable to see wonderful and big trees, yellow and red leaves…Something that could help me to show the magic of the season to you, so far away from my home…

And then, suddently, something small caught my attention.. A black and common crow, making a lot of noises, and flying freely through the forest…

And then, I understood….


«The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper»

WB Yeats