«Small beauty….»

This week, WPC is about the forces of nature…

I know Nature impresses us in many ways: wind, rain, tornados….

Many moments when we are aware of our smallness here on the Mother Earth…

But, thanks to God, Nature gives us small pieces of  calm, and glory, and happiness…

…And beauty……

Have a great Sunday!



This week WPC is «Intricate»

Intricate…Can you think about something more intricate than our deep feelings and desires?  But that is difficult to photograph…. 🙂 🙂

So, I was thinking and thinking…Quite intricate our thoughts as well… 😉

Out I went, with my «bestias»… And voilà! Forest was full of intricate patterns….

Some of them too obvious… Like the tree branches playing together, dancing with the wind…

But some of them more subtle… Look at this…

Isn´t it Intricate?

Have a good weekend everybody


Photo 101: The Natural World…

Today´s challenge is really easy for me…I live in a very small village..The river and the forests are just behind our house, and I go out every day with my two «bestias»…

It has been difficult, but I have chosen some pics, trying to show the different approach I take…

Sometimes I choose just one leaf, because I like the light´s play on it…

Sometimes just a little red fruit, because it is brilliant after the rain and makes a nice contrast with the green leaves behind…

Suddenly, I can find a glorious red bush, too big to shoot…So, I have to knee on the ground and try to frame it from a different POV…

You can click on any of the images to see them much better… 🙂

In general, we have a great time…And my bestias enjoy it a lot!!!!

Hope you have a great day as well!!! I need to go out now with them!!







«Fairy like…»

Dear all!

Yesterday I went out with my two «bestias» (Sigh and Neo), to the forest, like every morning…And I found a wonderful flower I had never seen…
As it was new to me, I tried several angles…
This one I love…What do you think?

"Fairy like..."
Deep of field is a wonderful tool to create moody atmospheres….If you want to learn about it, you should visit http://blog.mjfimages.com/2014/06/09/weekly-foto-talk-depth-of-field-i/

Enjoy and remember: Magic is around us!

Back into my Magical Reality…

As some of you already know, I usually walk with my two Border Collies, Sigh and Neo, every day through the forest…
Now, holydays are over, and I am back to my real life…Back home, back to our walks, back to the old forest…

Well….The forest is the forest…Some days it looks better…Another days it looks grey and humid….

But, somehow, I find that the important thing is my mood…My mood that drives my soul and my eyes…

…And I am able to see a magical and fairy  landscape where other people see a foggy day…

In the depths of the forest...
«Few people have the imagination for reality»

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This post is in answer to Jake´s challenge: «Reality»
Also is part of «Black and White Tuesdays…»
And, may be….Frizz can be happy with my B…»Back»
Click on those links to have few minutes of relax….

Nature is luminous…

This week Ailsa´s Theme is «Illuminated«…There are many kinds of lights and illuminations but I have chosen to rescue this  image from last year, when I was trying different apertures and speeds during a winter day…..

I made a mistake, a was a bit rookie on manual focus, but the result was quite magical (I think! :))…You should click on the image to enlarge it…

Magical crane

«Every moment of light and dark is a miracle»

Walt Whitman

Sometimes, after failing or making a mistake, light and truth are there, waiting in silence…


TS: «Autumn colours from an ant´s point of view…»

Today is Thursday…That means, as a lot of you know, Paula´s Thursday´s Special…

If you go to her page, you will see the post : «Share and Connect»…

I have been talking to Paula today about Autumn… Its light, its colours, its little treasures…So, I also want to connect today my post with her, and to share the colours and light of my Autumn with all of you…Sometimes is good to lower your gaze a little bit, and try to imagine what you would see if you were an ant …

Hope you like it!


«Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower»

Albert Camus

Magical Autumn…

This week, Sunday Still´s challenge is about Autumn: trees, colours, landscape…

I have been out with Sigh and Neo, looking for something special….But, somehow, I was unable to see wonderful and big trees, yellow and red leaves…Something that could help me to show the magic of the season to you, so far away from my home…

And then, suddently, something small caught my attention.. A black and common crow, making a lot of noises, and flying freely through the forest…

And then, I understood….


«The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper»

WB Yeats